求推荐配套的 Webmail 系统,谢谢~

hanguofu · 前天 08:10 · 517 次点击
我打算把 Webmail 也建在 wordpress 所在的服务器上。求推荐现在主流的 Webmail , 谢谢~
举报· 517 次点击
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4 条回复  
hefish 小成 前天 08:36
Qiss 小成 前天 08:39
Self-Hosted Services Cloud Seeder - 1-click Install and Upgrade a Postfix+Dovecot or Stalwart mail server instance, hands free. iRedMail - Easy to install open source mail server solution. Mail-in-a-box - Lets you become your own mail service provider in a few easy steps. Mailcow - The mailserver suite with the 'moo'. An easy to use dockerized selfhosted email solution. Mailtrain - Self Hosted Newsletter App Built on Top of Nodemailer. Mautic - Mautic Marketing Automation. Build smarter campaigns – and build them faster – with marketing automation that’s quick to learn, simple to use, and easy to iterate. Modoboa - A solution to quickly deploy and manage a complete email server, compatible with latest standards and optimized for delivery and reputation protection. Poste.io - Complete mailserver built in one docker container. SimpleLogin - Self-hosted email alias solution.
hanguofu 楼主 小成 前天 09:23
顺便问问: 免费版 的 wordpress email plug in 好用吗 ?能用来发 email 吗 ?
MiguelTapia 初学 前天 10:15
你问晚了点,要是黑五前后,可以买一个 15 美金三年的 https://mxroute.com/邮件服务。因为 WP 比较吃内存,所以可以考虑避开把邮件服务也部署在同一台服务器上。 免费版的 WP Mail SMTP 插件没问题,看下载量以及大众推荐都是这个。