giffgaff 号码被永封

xiaofami · 前天 08:10 · 1139 次点击

去年年中 PDD 买的卡,到手后使用本人中行信用卡充值 10 磅开卡成功,也拿到了 5 磅的开卡奖励。自开卡后除注册账户接收短信(不超过 10 条)就再未使用过。几日前收到 giffgaff 邮件提醒,要求于 1 月 28 日前账户余额发生变化,这才发现卡片已经无法进行包括收发短信在内的一切操作了。问过客服,被告知违反了 3.5.j 条款导致被永封,该条款内容如下:

j) Ensure the information you have provided to us in Participation or otherwise is accurate and up-to-date

我的信用卡账单地址是瞎填的,giffgaff 真的会核实吗。。。

举报· 1139 次点击
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10 条回复  
randychoi 小成 前天 08:48
huishu 初学 前天 08:53
180 天都没消费?
azhangbing 小成 前天 08:53
xiaofami 楼主 小成 前天 08:56
@randychoi 最近几天想给卡片续期才开漫游,之前一直关闭状态。另外 app 里显示余额还有 14.99 磅,应该没有偷跑流量
xiaofami 楼主 小成 前天 08:59
@huishu 这个月末才到 180 天,不是超期问题
randychoi 小成 前天 09:05
看来有些 app 开两步认证才是最靠谱的:(
jhytxy 小成 前天 09:08
离谱了 我也是瞎填的啊
xiaofami 楼主 小成 前天 09:24
@jhytxy 客服没有给出具体封号原因,信用卡地址只是猜测: Kevin T from the giffgaff team 04 Jan 2025 13:44 Hi Iop, Dylan from the giffgaff team here today, I understand that you're having some issues with your account as you're not able to receive texts or top up I'll be happy to investigate this for you. I've had a look at your account and I can see that there has been a permanent ban on the account. I'm afraid that you have breached our terms as outlined in the Terms and Condition's Section 3.5 Part J. For this we have had to suspend and ban your SIM card. As your usage is not in line with our Terms & Conditions, this has resulted in a final bar being placed on your account, which I'm afraid is permanent. At giffgaff we want all our members to enjoy our services in the best way possible within the rules set. Overusing any of our services impacts the network and destroys the service experience for all other members. We do have a responsibility to our members to ensure this is not the case and the network is used fairly, which is why it is clearly stated in our Terms & Conditions how your SIM card can be used: I appreciate this may have been unexpected but you can see our terms and conditions and why we had to take the steps to permanently bar your account: Please click the "fair usage" button at the top and scroll to Section 3.5 Part J. Kind regards, Dylan, The giffgaff team
BestVPS 初学 前天 09:37