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winglight2016 小成 2024-9-3 15:07:41
lz 的思路颇为奇特:

首先,你说的聪明,一般指的是智商或者机灵劲儿这种,而你提到在剧中“学到”的知识点,那只是编剧演绎罢了,就好像你游戏里开了上千小时的 F1 赛车,难道你就掌握了这项技能吗?学习一般能够达到应用程度了,才能叫学会了,何况看剧能够提升智商这种期望是否理性很存疑。


fregie 小成 2024-9-3 15:08:20
nitmali 小成 2024-9-3 15:14:31
liuidetmks 小成 2024-9-3 15:22:58
美剧最大作用是 取悦自己
2324 小成 2024-9-3 15:24:43
uc 上遇到个香港用户,他的 id 就是香港用户 xxxxxx,他说他看西部世界对他机器人,人工智能帮助很大
ooxx2123 小成 2024-9-3 15:26:22
@hello202311 维基百科中就有 The TV show The Good Doctor has received both praise and criticism regarding its medical accuracy. While it has been applauded for its portrayal of autism and savant syndrome, there are seferal concerns about its representation of medical practices.

One significant issue raised by both medical professionals and fans is the violation of medical protocols. For instance, the show has been criticized for not always following proper protocols during surgeries, with doctors sometimes appearing not fully suited up for operations. This lack of accuracy in depicting hospital procedures can be distracting for viewers who expect a more realistic portrayal of medical environments.

Additionally, the show has been called out for ethical concerns, particularly in how it handles patient confidentiality. There are instances where characters in the show discuss patients' private medical information in public settings, which would be a violation of HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) in real life. This has sparked discussions among viewers about the importance of accurately representing such critical aspects of healthcare on-screen.

While these errors may detract from the show's realism, it's important to note that The Good Doctor is primarily a drama, focusing more on character development and emotional storytelling rather than strict medical accuracy​(

nevermoreluo 小成 2024-9-3 15:28:47
https://i.imgur.com/cPNPYD5.png 原来我看那么多季 CSI 和 CM 是为了理解犯罪嫌疑人的思维方式以及如何。。。杀。。。仁的嘛。。。。   

zhoust 初学 2024-9-3 15:31:25
你反手推荐你朋友去吧超英全看一遍,完了再嘲讽他 超英全看完了 也没见你觉醒啥超能力
terrysnake 初学 2024-9-3 15:32:09
yulgang 小成 2024-9-3 15:33:38
你朋友觉得你不太聪明 https://i.imgur.com/MAyk5GN.png