1. cf代理
根据多个代码稍微修改而来 主要功能
// _worker.js // Docker镜像仓库主机地址 let hub_host = 'registry-1.docker.io'; // Docker认证服务器地址 const auth_url = 'https://auth.docker.io'; let 屏蔽爬虫UA = ['netcraft']; // 根据主机名选择对应的上游地址 function routeByHosts(host) { // 定义路由cr const routes = { // 生产环境 "quay": "quay.io", "gcr": "gcr.io", "k8s-gcr": "k8s.gcr.io", "k8s": "registry.k8s.io", "ghcr": "ghcr.io", "cloudsmith": "docker.cloudsmith.io", "nvcr": "nvcr.io", // 测试环境 "test": "registry-1.docker.io", }; if (host in routes) return [ routes[host], false ]; else return [ hub_host, true ]; } /** @type {RequestInit} */ const PREFLIGHT_INIT = { // 预检请求配置 headers: new Headers({ 'access-control-allow-origin': '*', // 允许所有来源 'access-control-allow-methods': 'GET,POST,PUT,PATCH,TRACE,DELETE,HEAD,OPTIONS', // 允许的HTTP方法 'access-control-max-age': '1728000', // 预检请求的缓存时间 }), } /** * 构造响应 * @param {any} body 响应体 * @param {number} status 响应状态码 * @param {Object<string, string>} headers 响应头 */ function makeRes(body, status = 200, headers = {}) { headers['access-control-allow-origin'] = '*' // 允许所有来源 return new Response(body, { status, headers }) // 返回新构造的响应 } /** * 构造新的URL对象 * @param {string} urlStr URL字符串 */ function newUrl(urlStr) { try { return new URL(urlStr) // 尝试构造新的URL对象 } catch (err) { return null // 构造失败返回null } } function isUUID(uuid) { // 定义一个正则表达式来匹配 UUID 格式 const uuidRegex = /^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[4][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/i; // 使用正则表达式测试 UUID 字符串 return uuidRegex.test(uuid); } export default { async fetch(request, env, ctx) { const getReqHeader = (key) => request.headers.get(key); // 获取请求头 let url = new URL(request.url); // 解析请求URL const userAgentHeader = request.headers.get('User-Agent'); const userAgent = userAgentHeader ? userAgentHeader.toLowerCase() : "null"; if (env.UA) 屏蔽爬虫UA = 屏蔽爬虫UA.concat(await ADD(env.UA)); const workers_url = `https://${url.hostname}`; const pathname = url.pathname; // 获取请求参数中的 ns const ns = url.searchParams.get('ns'); const hostname = url.searchParams.get('hubhost') || url.hostname; const hostTop = hostname.split('.')[0]; // 获取主机名的第一部分 let checkHost; // 在这里定义 checkHost 变量 // 如果存在 ns 参数,优先使用它来确定 hub_host if (ns) { if (ns === 'docker.io') { hub_host = 'registry-1.docker.io'; // 设置上游地址为 registry-1.docker.io } else { hub_host = ns; // 直接使用 ns 作为 hub_host } } else { checkHost = routeByHosts(hostTop); hub_host = checkHost[0]; // 获取上游地址 } const fakePage = checkHost ? checkHost[1] : false; // 确保 fakePage 不为 undefined console.log(`域名头部: ${hostTop}\n反代地址: ${hub_host}\n伪装首页: ${fakePage}`); const isUuid = isUUID(pathname.split('/')[1].split('/')[0]); if (屏蔽爬虫UA.some(fxxk => userAgent.includes(fxxk)) && 屏蔽爬虫UA.length > 0) { // 首页改成一个nginx伪装页 return new Response(await getHtml(), { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', }, }); } const conditions = [ isUuid, pathname.includes('/_'), pathname.includes('/r/'), pathname.includes('/v2/repositories'), pathname.includes('/v2/user'), pathname.includes('/v2/orgs'), pathname.includes('/v2/_catalog'), pathname.includes('/v2/categories'), pathname.includes('/v2/feature-flags'), pathname.includes('search'), pathname.includes('source'), pathname == '/', pathname == '/favicon.ico', pathname == '/auth/profile', ]; if (conditions.some(condition => condition) && (fakePage === true || hostTop == 'docker')) { if (env.URL302) { return Response.redirect(env.URL302, 302); } else if (env.URL) { return fetch(new Request(env.URL, request)); } else if (url.pathname == '/'){ return new Response(await getHtml(), { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', }, }); } const newUrl = new URL("https://registry.hub.docker.com" + pathname + url.search); // 复制原始请求的标头 const headers = new Headers(request.headers); // 确保 Host 头部被替换为 hub.docker.com headers.set('Host', 'registry.hub.docker.com'); const newRequest = new Request(newUrl, { method: request.method, headers: headers, body: request.method !== 'GET' && request.method !== 'HEAD' ? await request.blob() : null, redirect: 'follow' }); return fetch(newRequest); } // 修改包含 %2F 和 %3A 的请求 if (!/%2F/.test(url.search) && /%3A/.test(url.toString())) { let modifiedUrl = url.toString().replace(/%3A(?=.*?&)/, '%3Alibrary%2F'); url = new URL(modifiedUrl); console.log(`handle_url: ${url}`); } // 处理token请求 if (url.pathname.includes('/token')) { let token_parameter = { headers: { 'Host': 'auth.docker.io', 'User-Agent': getReqHeader("User-Agent"), 'Accept': getReqHeader("Accept"), 'Accept-Language': getReqHeader("Accept-Language"), 'Accept-Encoding': getReqHeader("Accept-Encoding"), 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Cache-Control': 'max-age=0' } }; let token_url = auth_url + url.pathname + url.search; return fetch(new Request(token_url, request), token_parameter); } // 修改 /v2/ 请求路径 if ( hub_host == 'registry-1.docker.io' && /^\/v2\/[^/]+\/[^/]+\/[^/]+$/.test(url.pathname) && !/^\/v2\/library/.test(url.pathname)) { //url.pathname = url.pathname.replace(/\/v2\//, '/v2/library/'); url.pathname = '/v2/library/' + url.pathname.split('/v2/')[1]; console.log(`modified_url: ${url.pathname}`); } // 更改请求的主机名 url.hostname = hub_host; // 构造请求参数 let parameter = { headers: { 'Host': hub_host, 'User-Agent': getReqHeader("User-Agent"), 'Accept': getReqHeader("Accept"), 'Accept-Language': getReqHeader("Accept-Language"), 'Accept-Encoding': getReqHeader("Accept-Encoding"), 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Cache-Control': 'max-age=0' }, cacheTtl: 3600 // 缓存时间 }; // 添加Authorization头 if (request.headers.has("Authorization")) { parameter.headers.Authorization = getReqHeader("Authorization"); } // 发起请求并处理响应 let original_response = await fetch(new Request(url, request), parameter); let original_response_clone = original_response.clone(); let original_text = original_response_clone.body; let response_headers = original_response.headers; let new_response_headers = new Headers(response_headers); let status = original_response.status; // 修改 Www-Authenticate 头 if (new_response_headers.get("Www-Authenticate")) { let auth = new_response_headers.get("Www-Authenticate"); let re = new RegExp(auth_url, 'g'); new_response_headers.set("Www-Authenticate", response_headers.get("Www-Authenticate").replace(re, workers_url)); } // 处理重定向 if (new_response_headers.get("Location")) { return httpHandler(request, new_response_headers.get("Location")); } // 返回修改后的响应 let response = new Response(original_text, { status, headers: new_response_headers }); return response; } }; /** * 处理HTTP请求 * @param {Request} req 请求对象 * @param {string} pathname 请求路径 */ function httpHandler(req, pathname) { const reqHdrRaw = req.headers; // 处理预检请求 if (req.method === 'OPTIONS' && reqHdrRaw.has('access-control-request-headers') ) { return new Response(null, PREFLIGHT_INIT); } let rawLen = ''; const reqHdrNew = new Headers(reqHdrRaw); const refer = reqHdrNew.get('referer'); let urlStr = pathname; const urlObj = newUrl(urlStr); /** @type {RequestInit} */ const reqInit = { method: req.method, headers: reqHdrNew, redirect: 'follow', body: req.body }; return proxy(urlObj, reqInit, rawLen); } /** * 代理请求 * @param {URL} urlObj URL对象 * @param {RequestInit} reqInit 请求初始化对象 * @param {string} rawLen 原始长度 */ async function proxy(urlObj, reqInit, rawLen) { const res = await fetch(urlObj.href, reqInit); const resHdrOld = res.headers; const resHdrNew = new Headers(resHdrOld); // 验证长度 if (rawLen) { const newLen = resHdrOld.get('content-length') || ''; const badLen = (rawLen !== newLen); if (badLen) { return makeRes(res.body, 400, { '--error': `bad len: ${newLen}, except: ${rawLen}`, 'access-control-expose-headers': '--error', }); } } const status = res.status; resHdrNew.set('access-control-expose-headers', '*'); resHdrNew.set('access-control-allow-origin', '*'); resHdrNew.set('Cache-Control', 'max-age=1500'); // 删除不必要的头 resHdrNew.delete('content-security-policy'); resHdrNew.delete('content-security-policy-report-only'); resHdrNew.delete('clear-site-data'); return new Response(res.body, { status, headers: resHdrNew }); } async function ADD(envadd) { var addtext = envadd.replace(/[ |"'\r\n]+/g, ',').replace(/,+/g, ','); // 将空格、双引号、单引号和换行符替换为逗号 if (addtext.charAt(0) == ',') addtext = addtext.slice(1); if (addtext.charAt(addtext.length - 1) == ',') addtext = addtext.slice(0, addtext.length - 1); const add = addtext.split(','); return add; } async function getHtml() { let context = ` <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="zh-CN"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>镜像加速说明</title> <style> body { font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 1.6; color: #333; margin: 0; padding: 20px; background-image: url('https://objectstorage.ap-seoul-1.oraclecloud.com/n/cnmtldsuudsf/b/evil/o/backgroundpexels-christian-heitz-285904-842711.jpg'); /* Replace with your image path */ background-size: cover; background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; } .container { max-width: 800px; margin: 0 auto; padding: 20px; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); border-radius: 8px; box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } h1 { font-size: 2em; margin-bottom: 0.5em; color: #007aff; } p { margin-bottom: 1em; } pre { background: #2d2d2d; color: #f8f8f2; padding: 20px; border-radius: 8px; overflow-x: auto; position: relative; } pre::before { content: " "; display: block; position: absolute; top: 10px; left: 10px; width: 12px; height: 12px; background: #ff5f56; border-radius: 50%; box-shadow: 20px 0 0 #ffbd2e, 40px 0 0 #27c93f; } code { font-family: "SFMono-Regular", Consolas, "Liberation Mono", Menlo, Courier, monospace; font-size: 0.875em; } .copy-button { position: absolute; top: 10px; right: 10px; background: #007aff; color: white; border: none; padding: 5px 10px; border-radius: 5px; cursor: pointer; opacity: 0; transition: opacity 0.3s; } pre:hover .copy-button { opacity: 1; } /*底部页脚css*/ .github-badge { display: inline-block; border-radius: 4px; text-shadow: none; font-size: 12px; color: #fff; line-height: 15px; background-color: #abbac3; margin-bottom: 2px } .github-badge .badge-subject { display: inline-block; background-color: #4d4d4d; padding: 4px 4px 4px 6px; border-top-left-radius: 4px; border-bottom-left-radius: 4px } .github-badge .badge-value { display: inline-block; padding: 4px 6px 4px 4px; border-top-right-radius: 4px; border-bottom-right-radius: 4px } .github-badge .bg-blue { background-color: #007ec6 } .github-badge .bg-orange { background-color: #ffa500 } .github-badge .bg-green { background-color: #3bca6e } </style> </head> <body> <div class="container"> <center><h1>镜像加速说明</h1></center> <h2>为了加速镜像拉取,使用以下命令设置<b>registry mirror</b>:</h2> <pre><code> sudo tee /etc/docker/daemon.json <<EOF { "registry-mirrors": [ "https://{workers_host}" ] } EOF</code><button class="copy-button" onclick="copyCode(this)">复制代码</button></pre> <pre><code> sudo systemctl daemon-reload</code><button class="copy-button" onclick="copyCode(this)">复制代码</button></pre> <pre><code> sudo systemctl restart docker</code><button class="copy-button" onclick="copyCode(this)">复制代码</button></pre> <h2>用法:</h2> <h3>原拉取镜像命令:</h3> <pre><code> docker pull library/alpine:latest</code><button class="copy-button" onclick="copyCode(this)">复制代码</button></pre> <h3>加速拉取镜像命令:</h3> <pre><code> docker pull {workers_host}/library/alpine:latest</code><button class="copy-button" onclick="copyCode(this)">复制代码</button></pre> </div> <script> function copyCode(button) { const code = button.previousSibling; const textArea = document.createElement('textarea'); textArea.value = code.textContent; document.body.appendChild(textArea); textArea.select(); document.execCommand('copy'); document.body.removeChild(textArea); button.textContent = '已复制'; setTimeout(() => { button.textContent = '复制代码'; }, 2000); } </script> </body> </html>` return context; }
代码中的 {workers_host}
可替换成自己的域名,只是页面显示不替换不影响功能。建议绑定自己的域名 自己的workers → 设置 → 域和路由 可绑定多个如果是
"quay": "quay.io", "gcr": "gcr.io", "k8s-gcr": "k8s.gcr.io", "k8s": "registry.k8s.io", "ghcr": "ghcr.io", "cloudsmith": "docker.cloudsmith.io", "nvcr": "nvcr.io",
这些前缀的子域名可代理特定仓库,例如绑定的域名是 gcr.xxx.com
代理就是 gcr.io
除这些外代理的都是 registry-1.docker.io
1. nginx代理
网上找了很多nginx代理的教程,经过测试都不能正常使用,且只能代理 registry-1.docker.io
# 动态映射子域名到不同的后端 map $host $backend { docker.{domain} registry-1.docker.io; gcr.{domain} gcr.io; ghcr.{domain} ghcr.io; nvcr.{domain} nvcr.io; k8s-gc.{domain} k8s.gcr.io; k8s.{domain} registry.k8s.io; } # 使用 map 来匹配和替换 upstream 头部中的 auth.docker.io map $upstream_http_www_authenticate $m_www_authenticate_replaced { "~auth\.docker\.io(.*)" "$1"; default ""; } map $m_www_authenticate_replaced $m_final_replaced { "~(.*)" 'Bearer realm=\"$scheme://$host$1'; default ""; } server { listen 443 ssl; server_name docker.{domain} gcr.{domain} ghcr.{domain} nvcr.{domain} k8s-gc.{domain} k8s.{domain}; ssl_certificate /{domain泛证书公钥}; #(证书公钥) ssl_certificate_key /{domain泛证书私钥}; #(证书私钥) proxy_ssl_server_name on; # 启用SNI client_max_body_size 1024M; #客户端最大上传量 ssl_session_timeout 24h; ssl_ciphers 'ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256'; ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3; proxy_ssl_server_name on; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; # 修改jwt授权地址 proxy_hide_header www-authenticate; add_header www-authenticate "$m_final_replaced" always; # 关闭缓存 proxy_buffering off; # 转发认证相关 proxy_set_header Authorization $http_authorization; proxy_pass_header Authorization; # 对 upstream 状态码检查,实现 error_page 错误重定向 proxy_intercept_errors on; recursive_error_pages on; # 根据状态码执行对应操作,以下为301、302、307状态码都会触发 error_page 301 302 307 = @handle_redirect; error_page 429 = @handle_too_many_requests; # v1 api location /v1 { proxy_pass https://index.docker.io; proxy_set_header Host index.docker.io; } # v2 api location /v2 { proxy_pass https://index.docker.io; proxy_set_header Host index.docker.io; } # jwt授权地址 location /token { proxy_pass https://auth.docker.io; proxy_set_header Host auth.docker.io; } location / { # Docker hub 的官方镜像仓库 proxy_pass https://registry-1.docker.io; proxy_set_header Host registry-1.docker.io; } #处理重定向 location @handle_redirect { resolver; set $saved_redirect_location '$upstream_http_location'; proxy_pass $saved_redirect_location; } # 处理429错误 location @handle_too_many_requests { proxy_set_header Host https://{cf配置的代理地址}; # 替换为另一个服务器的地址 proxy_pass https://{cf配置的代理地址}; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; } }
docker pull ghcr.dockerproxy.cn/open-webui/open-webui:main
Trying to pull repository ghcr.dockerproxy.cn/open-webui/open-webui ...
Get https://ghcr.dockerproxy.cn/v1/_ping: dial tcp: lookup ghcr.docke…