Q: which is bigger, 1.3 or 1.2222229?
A: Thinking
To compare these two numbers, let's look at them more closely:
1.3 1.2222229
At first glance, 1.3 seems smaller because it has fewer decimal places....
1.2222229 is bigger than 1.3.
To explain why:
Both numbers start with 1, so we need to compare the decimal parts.
The decimal part of 1.2222229 (0.2222229) is a repeating decimal that represents a larger value than 0.3.
Even though 0.3 has fewer decimal places, it's actually smaller than the repeating decimal 0.2222229.
So, when we compare 1.3 and 1.2222229, the larger number is 1.2222229. |