ChatGPT 现在服务器是不是崩了?

zhongxiaoqian · 7 小时前 · 723 次点击

2024 年 12 月 12 日
举报· 723 次点击
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6 条回复  
ayumilove 初学 7 小时前
好像是。 我去 x 看,有很多人反馈了。 ChatGPT is at capacity right now As you read this message, please take a moment to pause and breathe. Notice the sensations in your body and the rhythm of your breath. Remind yourself that you are not alone in wanting to try out ChatGPT. Many others are interested in it as well. Be patient and know that the website is doing its best to accommodate everyone. Trust that the right time for you to try ChatGPT will come. In the meantime, continue to focus on your breath and stay present in the moment.
huangtao728 初学 7 小时前
zhongxiaoqian 楼主 小成 7 小时前
@ayumilove 谢谢啊。我还以为我节点的问题😅
zhongxiaoqian 楼主 小成 7 小时前
@huangtao728 谢谢。
JayZXu 小成 7 小时前 确实崩了
zhongxiaoqian 楼主 小成 7 小时前
@JayZXu 😅哎。希望接下来不要大面积封号。
582033 小成 7 小时前
同; ChatGPT is currently unavailable. Status: Identified - We have identified the issue and are working to roll out a fix.
DIO 小成 7 小时前
SuperGeorge 小成 7 小时前
可能因为更新 iOS18.2 后内置了 ChatGPT 吧。