Tampermonkey 终于空降 iOS

oIMOo · 2024-11-20 03:55:51 · 3227 次点击

官方 Github:


App Store:


支持:iOS 15+ || MacOS 12+ | M1+

售价 2.99 刀

原 macOS 版本重命名为 Tampermonkey Classic:



It's done!

iOS support is there!

The macOS version is still in review, but it should be available soon.

For now Tampermonkey Safari (WebExt version) has these two known issues: #2252 and #2253 Please create a new issue if you find something else.

Free licenses

Again I charge a small fee for this version, because I had to buy Apple hardware to get this done. I hope you understand. However, for people that

donated in the past helped me by posting Github issues and comments develop popular scripts I'll give a free license.

Just register your email on the Tampermonkey website and follow the steps explained at the email you'll receive.

Request for help with the macOS version

I'm not entirely sure if there is one more issue in the macOS version. I got everything working on my end. Especially GM_notification was difficult to get working in iOS, but it's working now. So I worked on renaming the Safari App based Tampermonkey version to "Tampermonkey Classic", uploaded and published it. Back at work on the WebExt version, notifications stopped working with

`"UNErrorDomain" error 1, the operation couldn't be completed"

I think this is maybe related to renaming the app, which got the notification permission long time ago, but all tried ways to make macOS forget the extension didn't work. So you could do me a favor and try the macOS version, once it's available, and tell me if notifications are working for you. I'll keep you post ed here once this happens.

举报· 3227 次点击
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28 条回复  
kk2syc 初学 2024-11-20 04:38:23
喔,但是谁真的用 safari 啊,不都装个 chrome 吗?
ios 小成 2024-11-20 06:30:07
@kk2syc #1 我啊
DIMOJANG 小成 2024-11-20 07:11:50
@kk2syc #1 身边统计学不一定可靠喔 https://i.imgur.com/io2SM1h.png
hash 小成 2024-11-20 07:22:56
@kk2syc 其他平台确实没得选,但是 iOS 和 macOS 上,Safari 可能真的是那个比 Chrome 还好的浏览器
mringg 初学 2024-11-20 07:23:08
@kk2syc 还有我
microka 小成 2024-11-20 07:28:12
iOS Safari +1
dilidilid 小成 2024-11-20 07:32:06
@kk2syc Safari 在 iOS 跟 macOS 上的份额都很高
imdong 初学 2024-11-20 07:37:28
@kk2syc #1 iOS 用 Safari 的有两种人, 1 、不用浏览器的人,打开有几百个跳转到 App 的标签页。 2 、不知道用别的浏览器的人,有啥就用啥,因为用啥不是用。 3 、知道 iOS 上内核垄断,别的浏览器也只是 Safari 套壳而已。
gefangshuai 初学 2024-11-20 07:41:08
@kk2syc 我就真用 Safari