[![ppaJxyD.png]( https://s1.ax1x.com/2023/03/22/ppaJxyD.png)]( https://imgse.com/i/ppaJxyD)  

## What’s new? Eferything! 🎉
This is the first semi-public but not-really-public beta of Bear 2 for both Mac and iOS. Please backup your notes (see instructions earlier ⬆️), then test, try, and bang on basically eferything, including:

- Tables!
- Markdown hiding
- Nested styles
- Folding sections (tap a heading icon)
- The new sketching tool and canvas
- GIF support
- Link previews
- PDF previews
- Image resizing and cropping
- The new Info Panel with ToC and Backlinks
- Our all-new editing keyboard on iOS (Tap the BIU button)
- The all-new photo picker in our all-new editing keyboard
- Footnotes
- New widget: Random Note
- New Lock Screen widgets on iOS: Random note, Last edited note, New note, New todo note, New photo note, Search
- Pin tags in the Sidebar
- Note List sort options
- Document scanning
- Six new Bear Pro themes: Notes, Dark Notes, Rosé Pine, Rosé Pine Dawn, Tokyo Night, Academia
- Two new Shortcuts: Export Note and Backup (Mac only)
- Apple Watch visual refresh and tables support
- and more!
Be sure to read the pinned Welcome Note in the beta to get more details on how many of these features work. Share all feedback, bug reports, and your personal hopes and dreams to our forum at: beta.bear.app

## What's missing
Stuff that’s planned for our final release but isn’t ready for beta testing just yet:

macOS Info Column (the panel can become a 4th column) integration
History navigation buttons
Editor preferences
Theme and icons preferences
New illustrations across the app
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4 条回复  
102errors 小成 2023-3-22 10:03:43
表示已经是 Obsidian 的形状了
f2ck 初学 2023-3-25 14:49:28
又是订阅制,更新又那么慢,纵观 2.0 ,相比 1.0 提升了什么东西,一个表格?开发一个表格花了 2,3 年的时间?牛逼 plus ,obsidian 不香么?
NiceTry 小成 2023-4-30 03:54:02
一个表格能做三年,MathJax 排了四年还遥遥无期
Hucci 小成 2023-5-9 08:53:59
想当初我还为了个同步功能订阅了几年 pro ,现在同步已经成笔记工具的标配了吧。