surge 作旁路由的使用问题

paststrange · 昨天 00:15 · 311 次点击

我现在准备使用 mac mini 作旁路由,在 mac mini 上开了 surge ,开启增强模式,然后本地 mbp 设置网关指向 mac mini ,我发现 surge 在开增强模式的时候,无论是本地 mbp 还是 macmini ,访问网站都不会走域名规则的匹配,全部是 ip ,最后都是走 final 规则,请问这样是正常的吗?我应该怎样配置,才能使得增强模式下,访问各种网站走对应的规则。 注:如果同时开启系统代理+增强,是能正常走域名匹配的规则的。

举报· 311 次点击
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2 条回复  
paststrange 楼主 小成 昨天 00:30
@huaweigg 设置了没啥用,看了下请求查看器都是要么走国内,要么走 final ,显示也是 ip (域名)的形式 Rule Evaluating - 2.6 ms Establishing TCP Connection - 11.0 ms Active - 12.3 s Events 00:28:13.904675 [Connection] Handled by VIF 00:28:13.905648 [TLS] TLS Client Hello SNI: 00:28:13.908484 [Rule] Rule matched: FINAL 00:28:13.908584 [Rule] Policy decision path: 🧭 Final -> ✈️ Proxy -> 🚢 Premium -> 🇭🇰 IEPL-A-香港-HK01 00:28:13.909168 [DNS] Use cached DNS result for A record count: 1, AAAA record count: 0 00:28:13.909212 [Socket] Use the last successful address: 00:28:13.909556 [Socket] Connecting with address:, bound to the primary interface (en0) explicitly under Enhanced Mode 00:28:13.920622 [Socket] Connected to address in 11.0ms 00:28:13.920832 [Connector] TCP connection established 00:28:21.216639 [Connection] Remote closed sending stream (Half-closed) 00:28:21.220258 [Connection] Client closed sending stream (Half-closed) 00:28:26.221456 [Connection] Disconnect with reason: Closed by remote
huaweigg 小成 昨天 00:19
dns 填写为