用演示视频中给的提示词, 竟然真的生成了贪吃蛇游戏, 一次成功

视频链接: youtube.com/watch?v=7GaKl6HwZ50

提示词: Implement Snake with HTML + JS + CSS. The entire code should be written in a single HTMLblock with embedded JS and CSS. Don't use any remote assets. After opening the html, userwill need to hit space to start / restart the game, the snake will randomly go in one direction atthe start and use "wasd" to control the direction of the snake. Make it pretty and the playgroundlarge.
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2 条回复  
zhhmax 小成 2024-9-13 02:34:10
https://luee.net 可以用 o1-preview 和 o1-mini 的 API 了,欢迎体验(只不过目前 L5 账号太少,RPM 比较低)。
xuelang 小成 2024-9-13 21:10:00
简单游戏不能说明啥,claude3.5 也可以一次生成的